Create A Parasite Platformer Game In Unreal Engine Part 6: Setting Up The Level Goal

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Create A Parasite Platformer Game In Unreal Engine Part 6: Setting Up The Level Goal

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Level: Beginner
Version: Unreal Engine 4.26

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In part 5 of this tutorial series we created a new Fire Obstacle using the inheritance concept.

In this part of the tutorial we are going to create the level goal e.g. the end point that the Player needs to reach to win the game.

Additive And Subtractive Brush Type

The level goal is going to be a simple door mesh where the PlayerCharacter needs to pass through to win the game. We are going to place that door at the end of the level.
Inside the Word Outliner, create a new sub folder of the Level folder and call it Level Goal.
Then, inside the Place Actors tab under the Geometry section, drag a new Box Brush inside the level.
Rename the Box Brush to Doorway and drag it under the Level Goal folder.
For the Location property inside the Transform component for the Doorway Actor we are going to set the following values:
  • X = 9990
  • Y = 149
  • Z = 105
Under the Brush Settings in the Details tab set the following values:
  • X = 20
  • Y = 105
  • Z = 200
When you are done you will see the Doorway Actor in the middle of the End Wall Actor:
The reason why we placed the Doorway Actor here is because there is a nice little trick that we can use to create a hole in the End Wall.
Select the Doorway Actor, and inside the Brush Settings you will see a Brush Type drop down list:
Img 2

When you click on that list you will see two options:

Img 3

The current option is set to Additive which means the Shape of the Actor, in this case Box, is going to be visible.

But when we change the Brush Type to Subtractive, then it will become invisible and it will make other Actors that are overlapping with it invisible as well:

This way, we will create a box shaped hole inside the End Wall Actor and this is where we will place the door where the PlayerCharacter needs to pass by to win the game.

Because the Doorway Actor is a Box Brush, you can add materials to the sides where the Doorway is subtracting from the End Wall:

This is not mandatory for this tutorial, but I am just showing you the options you have as you can find it useful for your own projects.

Now that we have the Doorway in the End Wall, we can add the two remaining parts for the door.

Inside the Starter Content -> Props folder, locate a 3D object called SM_DoorFrame, drag it inside the level and place it in the Level Goal folder in the World Outliner.

You can also rename the Actor to Door Frame for organizational purposes as that will not affect the game at all.

Set the Location values inside the Transform property to:

  • X = 9989
  • Y = 154
  • Z = -2
This will position the Door Frame on the same location as the Doorway.

Creating The Door Blueprint

When the PlayerCharacter passes through the Door then we win the game. To achieve that, we need to detect the collision between the PlayerCharacter and the Door.

Because of that, we are going to create a custom Blueprint for the Door Actor.

Inside the Blueprints folder, Right Click -> Blueprint class, make sure that you inherit the Actor class and create the new Blueprint:
Img 5

Give the newly created Blueprint a name BP_Door and open it in the Blueprint editor.

In the Components tab click on the Add Component button and filter for Static Mesh component.

When you attach it, rename it to Door Mesh, make it the root component and in the Details tab for the Static Mesh settings select the SM_Door 3D object as the mesh:

To detect collision with the PlayerCharacter we are going to use a Box Collision component.

So click on the Add Component button again, and filter for Box Collision:

Img 7

When you attach the component rename it to Door Collision.

Inside the Details tab for the Door Collision, under the Transform property set the Location values to:

  • X = 50
  • Y = -45
  • Z = 100

And under the Shape settings set the values for the Box Extend property to:

  • X = 7
  • Y = 50
  • Z = 100
This is going to make the Door Collision match the shape of the Door Mesh:

I must repeat again, whenever we make changes like these, we need to press the Compile and Save button in the Blueprint editor otherwise the changes will not be saved.

Adding The Door In The Level

Now that we created the Door Blueprint we can place it in the level. Drag the BP_Door in the level, rename it to Door and place it under the Level Goal folder in the World Outliner.

In the Details tab, under the Transform property set the Location values to:

  • X = 9975
  • Y = 110
  • Z = 8

Also set the Rotation values to:

  • X = 0
  • Y = 0
  • Z = -40

This will place the Door in the correct spot but it will cause one problem which is the Door Collision is now in the End Wall and it is not in the middle of the passway where it needs to be:

You can fix this by selecting the Door in the World Outliner tab, then select the Door Collision in the Details tab:

Img 10

Now set the Location values in the Transform property to:

  • X = -32
  • Y = 25
  • Z = 98

And set the Rotation values to:

  • X = 0
  • Y = 0
  • Z = 40
You will now notice that the Door Collision is positioned exactly where the passway is:

When the PlayerCharacter touches the Door Collision we win the game, but for that to happen we need to code it in the Blueprint editor which we will do when we prepare a few more things for our game.

Where To Go From Here

In this tutorial we set up the Door which will serve as the goal destination for the level.
We didn’t dive into any new topics in this tutorial but we did show a process that is very common in game development and that is creating levels, adding new objects, arranging them, setting up certain parts of your game and so on.
Because game development is not only about coding, there are a lot of other things that need to be done that don’t involve coding at all, be that Blueprint or C++ coding.
In the next part of this tutorial series titled Creating Game Over UI you will learn how to create user interfaces(UI) for your games.

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