Make Your Game Look The Same On All Mobile Screen Sizes – Unity

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Make Your Game Look The Same On All Mobile Screen Sizes – Unity

Reading Time: 11 minutes
Level: Beginner – Intermediate – Advanced
Version: Unity (Any Version)

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When creating a mobile game, the biggest challenge is to make your game look the same on all screen sizes. And there are different ways how to handle this issue.

In this post we are going to take a look at two scripts that will enable you to create games that support multiple screen sizes.

Download Assets And Complete Project For This Tutorial

If you want, you can download the finished project for this tutorial by clicking on the Download assets button above. It is not mandatory that you download it, because I will provide the 3 scripts in this post so that you can copy / paste them in your project.

But you can use the project to checkout the overall set up and how the scripts in this post are used.

Important Information Before We Start

One of the labels for this tutorial is beginner, however this is not a tutorial for complete beginners.

While you don’t have to be a professional C# coder, I expect you to know your way around C# so that you can edit the scripts to your own needs.

How To Fix Gaps On Different Screen Sizes

One HUGE problem when it comes to mobile game development is the gap between the empty space and the assets that you place in your game. In most cases this an issue with the game background and the empty space.

Let’s take a look at this scene for example:

Img 1

As you can see, this is a screenshot from the Game tab and the reference resolution used for this scene is full HD e.g. 1920×1080.

From the image above we can see that nothing is wrong with the set up, everything is in its place where it is supposed to be. But, this a preview from the Unity editor, let’s take a look at how the game looks like on real devices.

This is a preview how the game looks like on iPhone 6 Plus which has a resolution of 1920×1080:

Img 2
This is how the game looks like on iPhone 7 which has a resolution of 1334×750:
Img 3
This is how the game looks like on Samsung Galaxy A5 which has a resolution of 1280×720:
Img 4

As you can see, our game looks the same in Unity editor and on the devices above. The issue here is that we only tested the game on devices that have a resolution of 1920×1080 or below, let us take a look at how our game looks on devices with a higher resolution.

This is how the game looks like on iPhone 11 Pro which has a resolution of 2436×1125:

Img 5

Right away, you will notice that on the left and right side of the phone there are gaps. The background is not long enough to fill those gaps and that is why you see empty space or the blue color of Unity’s camera.

Moving forward, this is how the game looks like on Huawei Mate 20 Pro which has a resolution of 3120×1440:

Img 6
And this is how the game looks like on Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ which has a resolution of 3040×1440:
Img 7
The same problem we had iPhone 11 Pro, we also have with Huawei Mate 20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. Of course, there other phones where we would have the same problem.
So what is the solution?

Scaling The Background To Fit All Screen Sizes

As I already said in the beginning of this post, when creating a mobile game the most difficult task is to make your game look the same on all screen sizes.

Because there are so many devices with different screen sizes and aspect ratios which makes it really difficult to make your game look the same on all those screens and aspect ratios, but of course, it is not impossible to fix that issue.
One of the ways how we can fix the issue is to use a script that will scale the background based on the screen width and height of the device:
					using UnityEngine;

public class ScaleToFitScreen : MonoBehaviour
    private SpriteRenderer sr;

    private void Start()
        sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

        // world height is always camera's orthographicSize * 2
        float worldScreenHeight = Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2;

        // world width is calculated by diving world height with screen heigh
        // then multiplying it with screen width
        float worldScreenWidth = worldScreenHeight / Screen.height * Screen.width;

        // to scale the game object we divide the world screen width with the
        // size x of the sprite, and we divide the world screen height with the
        // size y of the sprite
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(
            worldScreenWidth / sr.sprite.bounds.size.x,
            worldScreenHeight / sr.sprite.bounds.size.y, 1);

} // class
To understand what the script is doing, we need to understand the difference between screen width and height, and world width and height.
When we use Screen.width or Screen.height we get the info for the width and the height of the device’s screen. So if the game is played on a device that has 1920×1080 resolution, Screen.width will return 1920 and Screen.height will return 1080.
However, if you try to use those numbers as scale values for a sprite in your game then the sprite will look very weird as it will resize abnormally.
So what we need to do is convert the screen resolution width and height values to Unity’s units values for the screen width and height. The calculations we performed on lines 12 and 16 in the class above are doing just that.
To make this script work, you need to attach it to the background game object in your scene. Let’s take a look at how our game looks like now on the same devices where we had gaps in the first initial test, starting with iPhone 11 Pro which has a resolution of 2436×1125:
Img 8
You will notice that the blue gaps we had on both sides are now gone because the background is scaling to fit the screen size of the device while maintaining pixel clean resolution.
Now let’s take a look at how our game looks like on Huawei Mate 20 Pro which has a resolution of 3120×1440:
Img 9
Again, the gaps we had in the beginning are now gone. And lastly, this is how our game looks like on Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ which has a resolution of 3040×1440:
Img 10

As expected, the gaps we had prior are now gone. But, we now have a different issue.

Where Are My Game Objects?

To illustrate the issue that we have now, I am going to redesign the game using 3040×1440 as the reference resolution.

When I say redesign the game, I mean I am going to arrange the game elements in the game using the resolution mentioned above as the reference resolution.

This is how the game looks like now in the Game tab preview:

Img 11
If we run the game on Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ which has a 3040×1440 resolution we will see no difference in our game:
Img 12

But what will happen if we run the game on a device that has a lower resolution, let’s say iPhone 6 Plus which has 1920×1080 resolution?

Well, let’s test it out and see the outcome:

Img 13

Now you will notice that the game elements on the sides are cutout. You can see one game element partially on the left side and on the right side you can hardly see what is left from the other game element:

Img 14

This is why you can’t just design your game using a reference resolution and leave it as is, because as soon as your game is played on a higher or lower resolution than the one you designed your game for, some of the game elements will be cut out from the screen, and sometimes there will be empty gaps on the sides of the screen as we saw in the examples so far.

So what is the solution?

Anchoring Game Objects On The Screen

As you can assume, the same way we solved the background gap problem, we are going to solve the anchoring problem of our game elements, and that is using a script, specifically using two scripts.

The first script is called CameraViewportHandler:

					using UnityEngine;

public class CameraViewportHandler : MonoBehaviour
    public enum Constraint { Landscape, Portrait }

    #region FIELDS
    public Color wireColor = Color.white;
    public float UnitsSize = 1; // size of your scene in unity units
    public Constraint constraint = Constraint.Portrait;
    public static CameraViewportHandler Instance;
    public new Camera camera;

    public bool executeInUpdate;

    private float _width;
    private float _height;
    //*** bottom screen
    private Vector3 _bl;
    private Vector3 _bc;
    private Vector3 _br;
    //*** middle screen
    private Vector3 _ml;
    private Vector3 _mc;
    private Vector3 _mr;
    //*** top screen
    private Vector3 _tl;
    private Vector3 _tc;
    private Vector3 _tr;

    #region PROPERTIES
    public float Width
            return _width;
    public float Height
            return _height;

    // helper points:
    public Vector3 BottomLeft
            return _bl;
    public Vector3 BottomCenter
            return _bc;
    public Vector3 BottomRight
            return _br;
    public Vector3 MiddleLeft
            return _ml;
    public Vector3 MiddleCenter
            return _mc;
    public Vector3 MiddleRight
            return _mr;
    public Vector3 TopLeft
            return _tl;
    public Vector3 TopCenter
            return _tc;
    public Vector3 TopRight
            return _tr;

    #region METHODS
    private void Awake()
        camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        Instance = this;

    private void ComputeResolution()
        float leftX, rightX, topY, bottomY;

        if (constraint == Constraint.Landscape)
            camera.orthographicSize = 1f / camera.aspect * UnitsSize / 2f;
            camera.orthographicSize = UnitsSize / 2f;

        _height = 2f * camera.orthographicSize;
        _width = _height * camera.aspect;

        float cameraX, cameraY;
        cameraX = camera.transform.position.x;
        cameraY = camera.transform.position.y;

        leftX = cameraX - _width / 2;
        rightX = cameraX + _width / 2;
        topY = cameraY + _height / 2;
        bottomY = cameraY - _height / 2;

        //*** bottom
        _bl = new Vector3(leftX, bottomY, 0);
        _bc = new Vector3(cameraX, bottomY, 0);
        _br = new Vector3(rightX, bottomY, 0);
        //*** middle
        _ml = new Vector3(leftX, cameraY, 0);
        _mc = new Vector3(cameraX, cameraY, 0);
        _mr = new Vector3(rightX, cameraY, 0);
        //*** top
        _tl = new Vector3(leftX, topY, 0);
        _tc = new Vector3(cameraX, topY, 0);
        _tr = new Vector3(rightX, topY, 0);

    private void Update()

        if (executeInUpdate)


    void OnDrawGizmos()
        Gizmos.color = wireColor;

        Matrix4x4 temp = Gizmos.matrix;
        Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation,;
        if (camera.orthographic)
            float spread = camera.farClipPlane - camera.nearClipPlane;
            float center = (camera.farClipPlane + camera.nearClipPlane) * 0.5f;
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(new Vector3(0, 0, center), new Vector3(camera.orthographicSize * 2 * camera.aspect, camera.orthographicSize * 2, spread));
            Gizmos.DrawFrustum(, camera.fieldOfView, camera.farClipPlane, camera.nearClipPlane, camera.aspect);
        Gizmos.matrix = temp;

} // class
This script will calculate camera’s Orthographic Size based on whether the game is in landscape or portrait mode and based on the Units Size variable.
You can set all these values in the Inspector tab for the class:
Img 15

The Units Size will vary based on your game, so make sure to check different values starting with the range between 10 and 20.

You can check the Execute In Update checkbox to make the script execute in Update while you are in Unity editor to see the changes you make right away, but you will see the real result when you run the game.

If I were to test the game on iPhone 6 Plus again we will see the same outcome:

Img 13

The reason for that is because the CameraViewportHandler will make sure that the camera’s Orthographic Size is in order no matter on which screen size we play the game, but we need to use another script in combination with CameraViewportHandler that will position our game objects on the screen correctly.

That script is called AnchorGameObject:

					using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class AnchorGameObject : MonoBehaviour
    public enum AnchorType

    public bool executeInUpdate;

    public AnchorType anchorType;
    public Vector3 anchorOffset;

    IEnumerator updateAnchorRoutine; //Coroutine handle so we don't start it if it's already running

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        updateAnchorRoutine = UpdateAnchorAsync();

    /// <summary>
    /// Coroutine to update the anchor only once CameraFit.Instance is not null.
    /// </summary>
    IEnumerator UpdateAnchorAsync()

        uint cameraWaitCycles = 0;

        while (CameraViewportHandler.Instance == null)
            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        if (cameraWaitCycles > 0)
            print(string.Format("CameraAnchor found CameraFit instance after waiting {0} frame(s). " +
                "You might want to check that CameraFit has an earlie execution order.", cameraWaitCycles));

        updateAnchorRoutine = null;


    void UpdateAnchor()
        switch (anchorType)
            case AnchorType.BottomLeft:
            case AnchorType.BottomCenter:
            case AnchorType.BottomRight:
            case AnchorType.MiddleLeft:
            case AnchorType.MiddleCenter:
            case AnchorType.MiddleRight:
            case AnchorType.TopLeft:
            case AnchorType.TopCenter:
            case AnchorType.TopRight:

    void SetAnchor(Vector3 anchor)
        Vector3 newPos = anchor + anchorOffset;
        if (!transform.position.Equals(newPos))
            transform.position = newPos;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (updateAnchorRoutine == null && executeInUpdate)
            updateAnchorRoutine = UpdateAnchorAsync();

The way AnchorGameObject script works is it uses AnchorType declared on lines 7-18 along with CameraViewportHandler’s variables on lines 59-91 to set the anchor e.g. the center origin of the game object.

Then you can use the anchorOffset variable declared on line 23 to determine the offset of the particular game object with respect to its anchor e.g. center origin.

The AnchorGameObject script should be attached on the game object you want to position or anchor on the screen.

One thing to keep in mind, when using this combination with these 3 scripts, you need to design your game using one reference resolution as a base resolution that you will use to anchor your game objects.

I am going to use the same resolution Samsung Galaxy 10+ has which is 3040×1440 as a reference resolution.

First, I am going to attach the script on Altar 1 game object that is on the right side and use the following settings for the AnchorGameObject script:

Img 16
This is going to set the anchor of the object to middle right and the offset it by -1.5 on the X and 1 on the Y axis which will position the game object here:
Img 17
Next I am going to attach the script on my Altar 2 game object and set the following settings for the AnchorGameObject script:
Img 18
This is going to set the anchor of the game object to middle left and offset it by 2 on the X axis and 0.53 on the Y axis which will position the game object here:
Img 19

Now no matter on which resolution we play the game, these two game objects are going to stay in the exact same place where we just positioned them.

Before we test out our new setup, let us quickly take a look at how this same setup looked like on iPhone 6 Plus which has a resolution of 1920×1080 when we tested it without using our two scripts:

Img 14
Now let’s test our game on iPhone 6 Plus with the new setup we just created using our two new scripts:
Img 20

Now our two game objects are not cutout from the screen and they are clearly visible in the game.

And no matter on which resolution your game is played, when you use this combination with CameraViewportHandler and AnchorGameObject scripts, your game objects will be in the same place where you initially positioned them.

Now, it goes without saying that this method is for static games e.g. games where all the gameplay happens in one place and the screen e.g. the camera is not moving in the game.
If your game is dynamic like a platformer game, or a tower defense game and so on, you will not have these issues where you need to anchor your game objects because you will create larger levels so no matter where the camera goes in the game it will render the level in that part of the game.

38 thoughts on “Make Your Game Look The Same On All Mobile Screen Sizes – Unity”

  1. Hello,

    On the line 130 – CameraViewportHandler class, I could not quite understand why we divide 1 with “camera.aspect * UnitsSize / 2f”. What is 1 here? Are we using it to have a ratio?


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