Watch This Short Video In Full To Find Out How You Can Master Game Development With Unity And C# And Get A Job In The Next 6 – 9 Months…

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Hello Fahir here…


And I want to congratulate you on making one of the most important decisions of your game development journey…


Look at what just happened here:


You went from struggling to create even the most basic game, and now you’re about to become one of the best game developers in the world…


You went from not knowing how to create a game dev portfolio, and now you’re about to have a stunning portfolio that will allow you to stand out amongst all other game devs and get hired in the best game studios…


You went from playing and enjoying your favorite video games, and now you’re about to create video games that millions of people all over the world will play and enjoy…


Because of that…

You Now Have Something That Very Few Game Developers Will Ever Have... Which Will Allow You To Get Hired In The Best Game Studios In The World, Like These Below:

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And this is going to make your dream of becoming a professional game developer come true…

Just like it has done for us…

And just like it has done for countless of our students we’ve shared this method with…

Like Mykhailo, Who Got A Job In A Game Studio In Just 7 Months During The Time When Most Game Developers Were Struggling To Get Hired...

Or Like Chris, Who Went From A Complete Beginner To Getting Hired In A Game Studio By Using The Game Dev Pro Method And He Even Opened His Indie Studio...

Just Like Natasha, Who Had No Idea What Game Dev Was, And Now, She's Working In Azur Games. A Game Studio With Over 30 Million Daily Active Players

Or Charles Who Was Working As An Accountant - Used Just One Strategy From The Game Dev Pro Method And Got A Job In A Game Studio

And now, because of that decision you’ve made to enroll in Game Dev Pro today it’s your turn…

It's Your Turn To Become A Professional Game Developer

✅ It’s your turn to get hired in the best game studios in the world…


✅ It’s your turn to bring the characters and worlds from your imagination come to life…


✅ It’s your turn to create video games that millions of people all over the world will play and enjoy…

All you have to do is: follow the step-by-step directions and implement everything we’ll show you inside Game Dev Pro…


That’s it.

That's The Only Thing Separating You From Making Your Passion For Game Development Into A Career

The Game Dev Pro course is designed in such a way that it will take you from beginner to intermediate game developer in no time…


And on top of that, it will give you a clear road map that you only need to follow to go from intermediate to pro game developer…


But, this can only happen if you put everything you learned from Game Dev Pro into practice so you you can get those results…


Otherwise, no matter how good are all the things you’ll find inside – it just won’t work.


And that’s why…

The Decision You Just Made To Get The Game Dev Pro Course Is The Second Most Important Decision Of Your Game Development Journey...

…and the MOST IMPORTANT decision is going to be made right here, right now on this very page.


A decision that’s going to make a difference between you mastering game development and getting hired in the best game studios in just 6 to 9 months instead of years…


Or in some cases NEVER learning how to make games at all… let alone get hired in a game studio which is what happens to the majority of aspiring game developers…


But before you proceed, there’s something very important you need to know…


When we decided to create the Game Dev Pro Course, we decided to do something different than what all other basic courses do…


We Decided We're Going To Create A Complete Step By Step Guide That Will Allow Any Aspiring Game Developer To Go From Beginner To Pro Game Developer And Get Hired In The Best Game Studios In The World

And the way to help you get hired in a game studio is by giving you the skills game studios are looking for when hiring new game developers…


This is the ONLY way you can get hired, and this is how our students Chris, Natasha, Mykhailo, Charles and many others got their first job in a game studio…


Because anyone can create videos that “teach” game dev by making you copy-paste what’s being done in the video to create a flappy bird clone…


But that will not get you a job… In fact, that can’t help you create even a decent portfolio, which is why game developers struggle to get hired and most of them never hear back from game studios when they apply for jobs…


Which is why…

Inside Game Dev Pro You'll Find Every Idea, Strategy, Technique, And Tactic We Used To Help Countless Of Our Students Get A Job In Game Studios

Nothing was held back. 


Everything we tried, learned and perfected in the last 8 years about how to create a stunning portfolio, how to apply for a game dev job, what to do on the job interview, everything is laid out with a simple step by step guide that anyone can implement…


And on top of that, you’ll master intermediate programming using C# in the most easiest way possible…


Plus, we’ve also laid out a path for you to follow after that to go from intermediate to pro Unity Engine game developer…


We’ve outlined everything a game studio is looking for in their ideal candidate… all the skills you need to have to become a pro game developer and get hired along with a clear road map that will allow you to get those skills…


Skills that game studios like these are looking for:

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Because that’s the only way we knew that you would succeed with the Game Dev Pro method.


And based on the testimonials and case studies so far we feel we’re doing a pretty good job.

But Even Though We Helped Countless Of Our Students Get Hired In The Best Game Studios In The World Something Was Missing…

And that something was the fact that even though the majority of aspiring game devs who got the Game Dev Pro course, watched it and told us how great it was…


…only a small percent of them actually did the work required to expand their skills from intermediate to pro game developer which is the only way to get a job...


Those who did the work, well, they got hired in the best game studios in the world and are now working on stunning games that millions of people all over the world are playing…

Students Landscape

And That’s When We Started Researching And We Realized That Same As How Hard It Is To Find Good Resources To Learn Intermediate Game Development, It's Equally If Not Even Harder To Find Resources To Learn Advanced Game Development...

Because of this, game developers struggle to get hired by game studios…


You can see that all over the internet. Take a look at game development Facebook groups, Reddit communities, look at the comments…


Most game developers complain how getting a job is hard, how they almost never hear back from game studios when they apply for a job, how they get rejected all the time…


And it’s not only game devs who watch YouTube tutorials or take basic courses that have this problem…


Game devs who finished college have the same issue. They thought that having a degree is they key to opening the doors of any game studio… But the key to getting hired are your skills, and that’s why most game devs struggle to get a job…


YouTube tutorials and basic courses only teach you how to copy-paste to create simple games like flappy bird, colleges teach you theory most of the time… and when you see that, it’s no wonder why the majority of game devs can’t get hired…

Because Knowing How To Create A Flappy Bird Clone Or The Theory How Game Dev Works Is Not What Game Studios Are Looking For When Hiring New Game Developers

Simply put, game studios need game devs who are able to complete the job they are tasked with…


Whether that’s animating a game character, creating enemy AI system, boss fights, level progression system, or anything else… if you can do the job, you’ll get hired, if you just “know” how that works in theory or you can just create a flappy bird-like game then…


You’ll not get hired, or you’ll never even hear back from the game studio, which is the case with most game developers…


And this has nothing to do with game development being “hard” because it’s not…

This Has Everything To Do With The Tutorials, Basic Courses, And Other Poorly Structured Learning Resources People Follow Hoping To Learn How To Make Games

You see, there’s a reason so many people want to become game developers…

It allows us to bring our imagination into the real world, see people interact with our ideas and have fun doing that…

We bring joy to millions of people all over the world who play the games we create…

We inspire kids to become game developers same as how we were inspired to create video games when we played our favorite games…

But the truth is most aspiring game devs will never make game development their career…

Simply because…

If You’re Just Following Tutorials And “Creating” Games By Copy-Pasting What's Being Done In The Video You Don’t Have A Career As A Pro Game Developer - You Have A Hobby

…And today, because you’ve made it here – we’re going to put an end to that and we’re not going to let that happen to you anymore…


Because we’re going to help you build a career as a professional Unity Engine game developer.


So that’s why we’re here to give you something that will allow you to get the skills you need and cut your time to becoming a pro Unity Engine game developer by 90%…

We’re Going To Give You Our Personal Shortcut To Becoming A Pro Game Developer

This is our own system we’ve developed over the years which has proven to be very effective in helping intermediate game developers get all the skills they need to become pro game developers and get hired in the best game studios in the world…


But you should know that this is not for everyone, and it might not be even for you…


If you’re ok with following endless flappy bird tutorials, watching boring basic courses that talk about the same things over and over again, or spending years of your life going to college to learn game dev theory, then you can skip this and go directly to the members area…


The 7+ hours Rainy Knives course inside Game Dev Pro along with the 1+ hour of the 5-Day Game Dev Fast Start series will be more than enough to teach you the fundamentals of game development, help you become an intermediate game developer, and give you directions where to go from there to become a pro Unity Engine game developer…


But on the other hand, if you want to have a shortcut to your success and master advanced coding and game dev techniques by doing as little work as possible required…


Then this is for you and that’s why we’re going to give you…

Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch

A Course Designed To Allow You To Master Advanced Unity Engine Game Development And C# Coding Techniques And Get Hired By A Game Studio In Just 6 to 9 Months

That’s right…


In as little as 6 months from today you could be a pro Unity Engine game developer working on stunning games in a big game studio…


Just like Mykhailo, Chris, Natasha, Charles, Nikhil, Gary, and countless of our other students…


All you have to do is get access to Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch…


Then just follow the simple steps outlined in the videos and you’re going to go from beginner / intermediate to professional Unity game developer in as little as 6 months…

Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch Includes Everything You Need To Build Your Game Development Career Fast As Humanly Possible…

Because we’re giving you a shortcut we’ve developed over the past 8 years of being in the game development industry and working with thousands of game developers helping them get hired in the best game studios…


This shortcut will allow you to instantly expand all the skills you got from the Game Dev Pro course…


…and in turn, help you take your Unity and C# skills from intermediate to pro level…


You can even be a complete beginner, and this will work for you…

Here’s Everything That You’re Going To Easily Master Inside Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch...

You’re going to learn how to create stunning 2D and 3D games from scratch…

You’re going to build advanced enemy AI and boss fights…

Create menus and UI and connect them with code…

You’re going to understand how to build gameplay systems for any game…

How to optimize your code and make your game run on high frame rates…

Master game programming design patterns – one of the most essential skills every game developer needs to have to get hired in a game studio that no other tutorial or course is teaching you…

And by knowing this, you’ll easily get hired in the best game studios such as…

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You're Getting The Skills Game Studios Are Looking For When Hiring New Game Devs

As you already know, game studios only care about whether you can do the job they need or not…


And getting the job done requires real-world skills which you can’t get by following simple flappy bird YouTube tutorials or building “move the cube” games by watching basic courses…


You can only get real-world skills by building real-world games which is exactly what we’re going to do…


Here's A Short Preview Of Some Of The Games You're Going To Build And The Skills You're Getting Inside Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch​

When you build the games inside Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how C# works… and you’ll realize how easy it is to learn them when you have the right guide…


You’ll be able to solve any bug you encounter in your code 10x faster…


Optimizing games will be a piece of cake for you, even for mobile platforms…


Getting stuck when you want to create a game will be something from the past… because you’ll know exactly what you need to do to create any type of game you want even shooter, RPG, multiplayer games and everything in between…


And you’ll do all of this with our practical approach and videos that even a complete beginner can follow…


But that’s not all, because…

...We’ve Saved The Best And Most Important For Last

You see, most tutorials and basic courses complicate game development too much making it seem harder to learn than it actually is…

Because of that we took our time to create a guide which is simple to follow that pretty much anyone can use to enhance their game development skills and take them to the pro level in no time…

This guide is so easy because you’re not required to learn boring algorithms, crazy math formulas or physics equations…

And that’s why…

This Is The Most Important Decision You’re Going To Make On Your Entire Game Development Journey…

Because this single decision is going to affect one thing…


…if you’re going to do everything that’s required to go from intermediate to pro game developer level by yourself, and to be honest you can, we did it, and maybe there are other people who’ve done it…


But the question is, how much time will that take?


And most importantly, will you actually succeed?


It took us a year to do that, some people take 2 years, some 3, others 4 or more, and some never make it… so maybe you like doing things on your own, and you can do that…


Or you can take everything we’ve done, tested, and proven and use it for yourself so you don’t waste years of time trying to learn all of this on your own…


Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch is designed to speed up your time to getting a job in a game studio faster than you thought possible (our student Mykhailo got hired in just 7 months)…


While other people are spending years going to college and suffering through tutorial hell, you’ll be already working in a game studio on video games that millions of people will play… 


Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch will do all that for you and more…


…all you have to do is say “maybe” by clicking the button below…


…because all this is backed by a 100% risk-free no-questions-asked 30-day money-back-guarantee.

And Here’s What It Means When You Click That Button Below

It means that you no longer will be watching basic Unity Engine YouTube tutorials that’ll make you copy-paste what’s being done in the video…


It means you’ll never go through tutorial hell wandering around, jumping from video to video hoping that the next video will “teach” you at least one thing about Unity game development…


It also means that you’ll never join a basic Unity Engine course ever again…


You know the ones that talk about the same thing over and over and every single one of them has the “Ultimate Unity Course” in it’s title but actually show how to move a cube in Unity Engine… yeah, those, they are a thing of the past…


It means that you don’t have to waste years of your life going to college just so you can learn the theory of game development which brings you nowhere…


And it means that…

Your “Hobby” Will Turn Into A Real Career…

There will never be a moment of confusion on what to do next because Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch will give you a clear path to follow that will allow you to know exactly how to create any game you want from scratch.


If you’re truly serious about building a Unity Engine game development career, then you need Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch.


Because Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch is the only way we can ensure you get every benefit Game Dev Pro has to offer.


Our best students have used this in combination with Game Dev Pro and got hired in game studios faster than they ever dreamed of…


Now you see why it was so important that you read everything until now.

This Decision About Whether To Try Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch Could Make Or Break Your Success With Game Dev Pro...

So now the question is…

What is being a game developer worth to you?

What is getting hired in the best game studios in the world, like the ones you see bellow, worth to you?

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What is working on the biggest video game titles that millions of people all over the world will play, enjoy, and get inspired by… worth to you?


We’ve spend 8 years of time, often sitting in front of a computer for 10 hours per day to create, test and perfect everything we’re giving you so you don’t have to spend your time and effort and suffer through the process… instead you’re getting a simple and easy to follow guide…


Our students who went through Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch made their dream come true – they got a job in a game studio.


So there is no reason you couldn’t do it too and because of that, now…

It's Your Turn To Get Hired In The Best Game Studios In The World...

It’s your turn to work on stunning games millions of people all over the world will play…

It’s your turn to bring the characters and worlds from your imagination come to life and make them interact with gamers…

It’s your turn to make people happy while they play the video games you created…

It’s your turn to see your name in the credits of a popular video game…

It’s your turn to inspire other kids and gamers to become game developers and unleash their passion like you did…

And now more than ever, you’ve never been so close to achieving your game development dream…

Because now you know what it takes to get there…

Plus you have Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch as your shortcut and guide to getting to where you want to go faster than any other way…

Now It's Time To Decide If You're Going To Make Your Game Development Dream Come True Or If You're Going To Continue Struggling Through Tutorial Hell And Never Make Any Real Progress...

The choice is yours…


Do you want to get hired in the best game studios in the world in the next 6 to 9 months (our student Mykhailo did it in 7 months) or do you want to be stuck in tutorial hell pretending you want to be a game developer while not making any progress…


The cost of putting yourself on a fast track to getting a job in a game studio with Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch is a $197 one time investment…


…and the price of joining Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch is finally getting hired in the best game studios and creating stunning games that millions of people all over the world will play…


And remember… you’re not saying yes… You’re saying maybe.


Try Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch for 30 days and see for yourself why our program is so effective and why it has helped countless game developers get hired in game studios…


And if you don’t make any actual progress in your Unity Engine or C# game dev skills, just send us an email at and we’ll refund you every penny without asking any question.


There’s a button below. That button is the only thing that separates you and your dream of becoming a pro game developer…


That button is your key to mastering game development and getting hired in the best game studios working on stunning games millions of people all over the world will play.


All you have to do is click it, and see how your game development career unravels before your eyes…


So click the button below, and we’ll see you on the other side…

Yours Today – Just One Easy Payment Of

Only $197

When you click the button above you’ll immediately upgrade your account to include Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch for just $197 more and you can access Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch in the members area on the next page
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Your purchase is backed by our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. If you
don’t improve your Unity and C# skills in the next 30 days, send us an email any time at and we’ll refund every penny of your investment – no questions asked.

Here's A Short Preview Of Some Of The Games You're Going To Build Inside Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch

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When you click the button above you’ll immediately upgrade your account to include Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch for just $197 more and you can access Game Dev Pro Rapid Launch in the members area on the next page
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We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or get hired by a game studio with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or getting a job, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any careers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered the norm, or promises for actual or future accomplishments. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.